Product safety

In order to guarantee product safety in KAMIC installation products, we comply with the EU directive on General Product Safety 2001/95/EC, incorporated into Swedish law by the Product Safety Act 2004:451. Our goods are manufactured in accordance with relevant EU directives, EU regulations and national legislation. We also comply with legislation regarding chemicals, hazardous or critical substances and conflict minerals.


An item is considered safe according to the legal requirements if it:

  • Meets the requirements of other Swedish or European standards.
  • Complies with the requirements of other European guidelines and regulations.
  • Meets the level of protection that consumers can expect.
  • Meets the requirements for good product safety in the industry.
  • Meets the current technical and scientific safety level.

A product is safe if, under normal or reasonably foreseeable conditions of use and service life, it does not present a risk to human health and safety. Please check our policy regarding conflict minerals>

The policy was adopted on 2022-12-01.
KAMIC Installation AB.